History of Our Lady of Ta Pao


Our Lady of Ta Pao is in Phan Thiet Diocese. Address: Dong Kho Commune, Tanh Linh District, Binh Thuan Province.

Prior to 1975, due to the war situation, the people here have to evacuate everywhere, so Monuments Ta Pao not care, preservation. After the events of 1975, some parishioners from the New Economic Zone of Duc Tan Commune and Huy Khiem Commune, and the parishioners of Nghi Duc, found the statue, the head and hands were broken.

By the end of June 1991, with the permission of Bishop Nicolas Huynh Van Nghi- Bishop of Phan Thiet at that time – and the encouragement of the priest Fr. Dinh Tan Thoi – pastor of Duy Can, the parishioners asked sculptor Le Phat (Ngu Phuc parish, Xuan Loc diocese) to repair, renew- the Statue of Mother. On August 1, 1991, the Ta Pao Mother Statue officially reigned over Ta Pao Mountain.

We would like to draw upon these events, as witnessed by so many eyewitnesses, so that we may strengthen our inherent faith in the Mother of Mercy. About the phenomenon of Ta Pao: The story began with the event of three students of Phuong Lam saw the Mother appeared and flew to the other side of the mountain. On September 29, 1999, the feast of the Archangels, a group of parishioners in Phuong Lam and neighboring areas, then the areas of Doc Mo, Gia Kiem, Ho Nai, Saigon … poured into the border area between Phuong Lam and Tanh Linh with the dream to see Mother.

In early 2000, after knowing Our Lady of Ta Pao in Tánh Linh, Bình Thuận province, many people have flocked to Ta Pao to contemplate, pray and beg grace … And from then on, so many strange stories and graces are reported as the testimonies of God’s grace, through the mediation of Our Lady. Every day, a large number of lay people and pilgrims from the north to south visit and pray here.

There is no official voice of the Mother here, but the “message” has spread everywhere, from all classes, including  other religions. Once came to the Mother, the pilgrims again want to come second time.  Mother do not have any appointment with anyone, but everyone is close to Mother as heart beside heart, made a point of appointment.

To the Mother: the one who is far from the Lord as if  he receive an irresistible attraction, so that many who abandon faith have in turn come back, changed their lives and lived the restored faith richly.

To the Mother: Those who suffer from the burden of life have discovered that Mother’s love is immense. Family was split  now be together. Brothers angry now make peace. The naughty child is now the son of the seminars. The husband was drunk horrible now becomes a gentle husband. Many sick people are comforted in that place, sometimes healed miraculously later.

To the Mother: faith is born. Some strangers from other religion have asked to be baptized after pilgrimage with Catholics,. “(Paul – Nguyen Thanh Hoan – Bishop of Phan Thiet). On 13 August 2006, Bishop Paul Nguyen Thanh Hoan, Bishop of Phan Thiet and 50 priests celebrated Mass to place the first stone to build the work of Our Lady of Ta Pao


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